Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hungry Artists

 Was reading about increasing decline of Cartoonist's pay in the modern day. Not a good way to start the day out. It's  pretty amazing to see that in an age where the comic book is more prevalent in our culture and media that the pay and job market for cartoonists have stayed basically unchanged since the 70's.  Art really is a labor of love. For those looking for a career in art, and I mean a career that can sustain an individual in this day in age,the outlook is pretty grim.  Like the article says, its not uncommon for today's artist to be working multiple jobs or working in projects not specific to cartooning or illustration in order to make ends meet.  A bunch of people I know from college as well as myself, know to well this fact. [ Via The Village Voice ]

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Halftone Hero

Who is this somber looking fellow? Oh, that's me!
Just trying out using halftone textures. 
I dunno what it is about that old comic book print feel, that I just love.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

birthday drawing!

For my buddy's birthday tomorrow I decided to draw his character Kira that he had created and is currently trying to create a manga for.  This homage is my non-anime version of his character. Hope he likes it!  Completion time: 8hrs
Tools: Bamboo Tablet, Photoshop CS3, Corel Painter 11

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Another year bites the dust. So long, 2010!

It seems that I do this a lot, but I tend start a lot of projects without finishing them, and without them having any substantial purpose.  Well, this year I plan to change all that (call it a resolution, if you must) and work hard at following through with the endeavors that I take on, for better or worse.  My biggest fear is of failure, and because of this I have sat back comfortably and watched many opportunities to learn and grow pass before me.  Not this time. Not this year. As a starter, I will try to update this blog as much as possible, if not for you all, for myself as a sort of virtual journal. So, happy new years everyone! Whether you have New Years resolutions or not, always strive to be better human beings, and I look forward to seeing you all, as well as making this year one to remember.